- Take a few minutes every day to reflect on WHY it is important to gain and maintain good blood sugar control. Do you desire to live a long, healthy life free of complications? How important is it to you to be able to continue to drive your own self to the places that you desire? Do you wish to fulfill your plans to travel, shop, and enjoy your future grandkids? What are your goals?
- Find out where you are (realistically, no guessing). What are the values for your A1C, blood pressure, cholesterol, weight, and BMI? This may require a visit to your health care provider. We make time to do the things that are important to us so why not start with making your health a priority in 2011.
- Start with where you are. We have different challenges but everyone has challenges that can be overcome. Maybe one person needs to complete their eye exam. Maybe one person can stop eating cookies (That would be me ... thank God that all of the holiday treats are gone!). Maybe one person needs to refill a prescription. Maybe one person needs to restart home monitored blood sugar checks. What are your challenges?
It's okay that you fell off the bandwagon in 2010. The 2011 wagon is
coming along so jump on, refuel, reshift, and refocus! Peace!
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