Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Will the Real Diabetes Enemy Stand Up and Step Out!

"When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you."
~ An African Proverb

As a person living with type 2 diabetes and a professional diabetes educator, I am always saddened to read or hear other people living with diabetes state that they feel so despondent.  Diabetes, like any other chronic illness, is only an enemy if you choose to let it control your life.  The goal of diabetes health is to prevent, delay or minimize diabetes-related complications - i.e., blindness, kidney disease, loss of legs/feet, heart disease, stroke, nerve damage, digestive problems, sexual dysfunction, etc.  Don't be a victim.  Don't choose to live in your future reminiscing 10-20 years backwards into your past, regretting the decisions that you make now at this present moment.   (Remember the choices that you make about your diabetes health today affects your future health).  Choose wisely by choosing to control your health.  Choosing to control health in diabetes is choosing to do whatever is necessary to control your blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol.  Diabetes does not require perfection but it does require healthy changes.  For some people this means taking one or more daily medications or injections.  For others this means healthier meal choices or exercising and/or weight loss.  Or, it may mean to control and minimize the stressors in your life.  So what if you have to take medications everyday?  Your goal is to live and thrive so every time you swallow a pill or inject yourself with medication then look towards the heavens and say "thank you God for a healthy heart"  or "thank you Lord for my healthy and functional kidneys" or simply say "thanks (whomever) for allowing me life again today to share with my family and friends".  After all, most of us would take whatever daily medications/injections (or make whatever lifestyle changes) necessary in order to survive if diagnosed with cancer or another chronic disease so why not with diabetes.  Lastly, forget the naysayers and finger pointers.  Remember that the measures to control one person's diabetes may be ineffective for another and vice versa so work closely with your health care provider(s) and health care team(s) to discuss your own personal overall health.  We are all in this together so stand tall, slap the diabetes devil off of your back, and let's do this!  Peace!

"He who conquers others is strong;
he who conquers himself is mighty." 
~ Lao-Tzu